A new musical that tells the story of Bonnie, a 1950s-era housewife who learns that her abusive husband's death was no accident...and joins the group of vengeful widows who freed her - and countless other women - from miserable marriages. Featuring a fresh, contemporary score from Kira Stone.
Benny in Beta
A new musical in development with composer Amir Shoenfeld that tells the story of a robot searching for meaning and his maker. A heartwarming high-tech take on a classic coming of age tale, Benny in Beta is the recent recipient of the Stiles & Drewe Prize. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO
Basic Cable Christmas
A loving sendup of everyone's favorite made-for-TV Christmas romcoms (on a network that will remain nameless for legal reasons) featuring all the tropes and holiday magic, along with plenty of laughs.
Beloved Son
The first commission in the history of the Westport Country Playhouse, Beloved Son is a new political family drama currently in development with director Chay Yew.
The Ten Plagues of Ethan
In development at the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop with composer Leo Hurley, The Ten Plagues of Ethan follows a teenage pastor's son as he becomes increasingly convinced God is punishing him with the Plagues of Egypt for being gay.
Tomorrow Too
Currently in development with Working Artists Theatre Project, Tomorrow Too tells the true, life-affirming tale of a woman undergoing chemotherapy while pregnant and the intrepid medical reporter who is faced with the impossible task of telling her story.
The Quiet World
A new dance musical, in development with Will Van Dyke (music and lyrics) and Charlie Sutton (director and choreographer). The Quiet World, based on Jefferey McDaniel’s poem of the same name, considers a world in which the government allows its citizens a maximum of 167 words per day, “in an effort to get people to look into each other’s eyes more.” CLICK HERE TO READ MORE